11 Questions to Combat the Monday Blahs
Ok, everybody, play along with me here! I have 11 EASY questions to get your brains moving along at a less sluggish pace. I know it's Monday and we are all worn out but do the best you can, ok?
1. How many times did you throw up this weekend? (None so far, but I am writing this on Sat. morning so there's a ways to go yet!)
2. What is Your Favorite sexual position? (Cowgirl. Giddyap men!)
3. Worst thing you ever swallowed by accident. (Dip Spit!!!!! Ewwwwww.)
4. If you were a candy bar you'd be a...Why? (Take 5, 'cause that's what you want to do after going a round or two with me!)
5. Dumbest thing you ever did. (Got married at 18, dumb dumb dumb..so dumb!)
6. Best mixer for Vodka? (Straight up, icy cold, Thanks!)
7. Casual Sex or Committed Relationship? (Both please! Hey, It's MY quiz!)
8. Favorite song right now? ("Closer" by NIN...it's such a great fuck song!)
9. What do you do when "sorry" isn't enough? (Kick thier stubbornn ass to the curb, Bye JG!)
10. Cyber-sex anyone? ( Only on days that end in "Y"!)
11. Best beer ever? (Love my Red Stripe!)
1. How many times did you throw up this weekend? (None so far, but I am writing this on Sat. morning so there's a ways to go yet!)
2. What is Your Favorite sexual position? (Cowgirl. Giddyap men!)
3. Worst thing you ever swallowed by accident. (Dip Spit!!!!! Ewwwwww.)
4. If you were a candy bar you'd be a...Why? (Take 5, 'cause that's what you want to do after going a round or two with me!)
5. Dumbest thing you ever did. (Got married at 18, dumb dumb dumb..so dumb!)
6. Best mixer for Vodka? (Straight up, icy cold, Thanks!)
7. Casual Sex or Committed Relationship? (Both please! Hey, It's MY quiz!)
8. Favorite song right now? ("Closer" by NIN...it's such a great fuck song!)
9. What do you do when "sorry" isn't enough? (Kick thier stubbornn ass to the curb, Bye JG!)
10. Cyber-sex anyone? ( Only on days that end in "Y"!)
11. Best beer ever? (Love my Red Stripe!)
closer huh? I wonder why
1. How many times did you throw up this weekend? (None. Saving that one for my cruise in April.
2. What is Your Favorite sexual position? (Missionary...I know I am so ordinary.)
3. Worst thing you ever swallowed by accident. (Cigarette ash...drank from wrong beer can...gross!)
4. If you were a candy bar you'd be a...Why? (Reese Cup...cause you want to get inside)
5. Dumbest thing you ever did. (Cosigned my boyfriend's truck...jackass wrecked it and I had to pay for it.)
6. Best mixer for Vodka? (nothing...to many shots in college...don't remember some of them)
7. Casual Sex or Committed Relationship? (Committed)
8. Favorite song right now?
9. What do you do when "sorry" isn't enough? (Forget about them! It ain't worth the stress)
10. Cyber-sex anyone?
11. Best beer ever? Bud-Light
Hey J. I think YOU know exactly why!!! Let's get together soon, I need to find a new song to groove to! ;)
1. do vomit burps (vurps) count?
2. chandelier monkey swing
3. red bull
4. whatchamacallit - because we have no idea what to call it.
5. shot a bull in the nuts with a wrist rocket, then fell out of the tree into his field.
6. cranberry
7. yes please
8. Tool - Sober
9. ask if a casual blowjob is enough
10. the line is long
11. alaskan amber
1. How many times did you throw up this weekend? (I don't drink.)
2. What is Your Favorite sexual position? (Miss Innocent's)
3. Worst thing you ever swallowed by accident. (Iced coffee with a roach in it.)
4. If you were a candy bar you'd be a...Why? (Pure Organic Chocolate Bar - women love it.)
5. Dumbest thing you ever did. (Not move to Kentucky!)
6. Best mixer for Vodka? (I don't drink - but, when I did - straight up, thank you.)
7. Casual Sex or Committed Relationship? (Both - with the same person!)
8. Favorite song right now? ("Another Piece Of My Heart" by Janis Joplin - funny story!)
9. What do you do when "sorry" isn't enough? (Forget 'em!)
10. Cyber-sex anyone? ( Only with Miss Innocent!)
11. Best beer ever? (I'll try the Red Stripe and let you know - even though I don't drink!)
Hey Tguy....I think you have a cyber crush on me!!! That's ok though I have one back! *Kisses* Cyber me soon, ok?!
1. Ummm, the weekends not over so.. could be anytime!
2. From behind with a hair pull.
3. er. ummm. A fly while quad racing. But, really I may have swallowed worse. OH OH, Motor Oil on a dare.
4. Milky Way - Self Explanitory.
5. Flushed the toilet while on a business conference call on my cell phone... WHAT??? I had to go!!!
6. Hypnotiq with a cran chaser. They call it a date rape.
7. Both.. because i live like that.
8. Feel Good, Inc. I like to dance to it with my little peeps on the weekends.
9. Blow job.
10. Jesus I wish, what's with nobody wanting to sleep with me on IM?!?!?!
11. Dos Equis with a lime, second only to Moosehead.
E.N.-I forgot about from behind w/ the hair pull, mmmmm so nice... Throw in biting my shoulder and I am so changing my answer! And yeah Thom, Y are you giving blow jobs? If you are up for dinner at the "Y" though I can help you out anytime!
Question # 1 Change my answer to...Once. Uh-oh, maybe Twice, Gotta' Go!
1. How many times did you throw up this weekend? this weekend - none // the weekend before - many (I blame thom - vodka & wine do not mix moron jr.)
2. What is Your Favorite sexual position? what EN said exactly - baby
3. Worst thing you ever swallowed by accident. Bleach, baby vomit and a button.
4. If you were a candy bar you'd be a...Why? Kit Kat - cookies & chocolate - what's not good here??
5. Dumbest thing you ever did. his name is Dan
6. Best mixer for Vodka? diet sprite
7. Casual Sex or Committed Relationship? Committed Relationship with mind blowing, multi-orgasmic, make me whimper till I cry sex.
8. Favorite song right now? You're Beautiful - James Blunt
9. What do you do when "sorry" isn't enough? Attend a "Divorce: Where To Start" workshop.
10. Cyber-sex anyone? Yeah - but phone sex is better.
11. Best beer ever? Smithwicks
Snavy...phone sex IS better indeed! Can I just say THANK YOU to InZen for all his hard work in that area?1
1. None
2. Lying on my stomach with him behind me and his hand between my legs....I like to feel his sweat drip down on my back
3. Um, have no idea
4. I don't know, I'm no good at this game
5. Ha, too many to list. I did go to NYC with only $20 once
6. I don't drink Vodka
7. Committed Relationship but keep the sex like it's casual every now and then
8. Unpredictable
9. Move on
10. No
11. I'm a hick........bud light
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