

So, It's time again for HNT....I gave a lot of thought to my post this week and came up with only one idea I thought would be appropriate.
For those of you who haven't read (I should spank you really, but that is a subject for another time) Mongoose and I have been battling it out for a couple of days over our posses. I still firmly believe that the combination I have put together could easily stomp the shit out of Goose's group, but obviously the majority of readers don't seem to agree. In my opinion it is because those folks who are voting for Goose lack the necessary imagination to appreciate the lethality of Michael Keaton, Dakota Fanning, Linda Blair, Bruce Lee, Bruce Willis and the rest of my group. So, since it appears that I will be buying Gosse lunch next week I thought I would post an HNT that shows how very gracious a loser I can be. It is with the painful realization that MOST of my blogland friends have gone to the Goose, and with a ferverent prayer that Romey will in fact send me the naked pics he has promised to all who vote for Goose that I submit my entry for your viewing pleasure.

Enjoy it and Have a Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday!

Can You say D' Feet?!!!
I can..in fact I am getting rather good at saying it...*siiigh*

(I fold already Goose; Just tell me when we are going to eat! I make good on my wagers, so I guess lunch is on me...Just be gentle and don't gloat too much ok?)

*muttering to self..."I wonder if they serve humble pie...or crow....."*



Blogger KJ said...

Where the hell are the naked pics of Romey???

Blogger TequilaGuy said...

I suddenly have a foot fetish.

Hey, voting goes until noon tomorrow, right? Don't throw it in yet ... they're conspiring to get you to pay!

Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

Such cute piggies!!


Blogger Mongoose said...

The white flag is up, and....My men will show mercy...

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

SG...missed you girl, hope you are feeling better my luscious lady!

TG... I lurk on Goose's site, I know what the fuckers are up too..and that includes MOST of my "friends"

I think they forgot I can read...

Blogger Thomcat said...

i would order a dish of goose at lunch , if i were you.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...


And that is precisely why I love u..that evil mind is always working!

They don't serve goose, but I believe they have duck...that might work!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...


I had to fix the polish for this shot in fact.

My nails were a bit..chipped...from other activities.

Blogger KJ said...

I'm with Murphy, let's hear about the other activites

Blogger Mongoose said...

Miss, I need that massage, please.

Blogger PackerPundit said...

Wait... Lunch is on you???


Your male is in the mail (re: nekkid romey pics)

actually... I didnt play this week but I will next week... so... next week's nekkidness is dedicated to you miss inny!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

I am sooo feeling the love!

Romey, I can only hope you simply stuck a stamp to your forehead..I am not sure a pic will do you justice, but I will be looking for an HNT out of you next week regardless. DO NOT disappoint me! And lunch is not ON me, but if you are buying we could fix that! ;)

Murph and Kristen-
It involves a jacuzzi, an outdoor deck, and one HOT mouth...
'Nuff said

Goosey...I am on it babe-- do you want massage oil or lotion 'cause I have both...

Blogger Callie said...

Very cute feet.

I hope you plan to work your way up...

Happy HNT!!

Blogger Mongoose said...

oil, please. Not near as cold.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Goose honey, the lotion is not cold if your woman knows what she is doing...You have to rub it between your hands and warm it up.

Come to Lil Miss...I will take good care of you!

Blogger Mongoose said...

When and where?

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Where: I am in the office on the corner...the one with all the windows.

When: Whenever...

Find me!

Blogger Mongoose said...

Doesn't really narrow down your position in the metropolis of F-Nitty.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

*raised eyebrow

Romey-darling dearest, I have never even been close to a holler, and I sure as fuck don't say yonder, and if it takes Goose a bit to find me then that makes it more fun!

I could throw out a few thousand stereotypes relating to HOT men if you'd like!


Blogger PackerPundit said...

I was fixen to say creek... but I went with holler... I figured y'all like holler better... pertner all of y'all

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Ok let's hope this is not being frequented by stalkers...

Goose, across from police station, white building on corner with the big ass windows...I am almost always here from 10-7.

Romey...you are sooo cute I could eat you up! Then I'd throw your bones in the crick!

(It's crick, not creek...get it straight, you act like you don't know how to speak Southern!)

Blogger PackerPundit said...

Did they film "Deliverence" in Kentucky... I mean... I was just askin' and all :)

Blogger PackerPundit said...


Blogger Mongoose said...

Deliverance was filmed in Georgia wasn't it?

Blogger KJ said...

Ommigod, Romey can talk Kentucky........I'm even more in love

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Deliverance was filmed in West Virgina I think, but I will find out for sure...either way Romey I am not inbred or crazy so it is a moot point.

R U all better Goose? *MWAH!

Blogger Mongoose said...

I am sooooo much better today.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...


Glad to hear it--You were prety pitiful yesterday.


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