I officially have a cyber-stalker! This guy from NYC found me on my dating site and keeps ending me naked pics! Now, please note these are naked pics, not "nekkid" pics-and while his body is smokin' hot and he has a rather amazing schlong...his face is somewhat, unfortunate. But it's cyber-sex right, so who cares I'll just give him a new face! That worked well the first few times we chatted then he said, swear to God, "I am IN love with you." My first thought was something like NOHEFUCKINDIDN'T! Then I decided to just ignore the whole thing. That's when the e-cards started showing up. I now have 6 cards in less than 48 hours, all of them more desperate than the last. Now I must admit I like to cyber-In fact I am rather great at it, but this is just too much!! Someone get to NYC and stop this poor man before he makes more of an ass of himself, please! Just don't tell him I sent you-and for the love of all that is holy don't tell him where I live! Cyber-stalking is creepy enough, I don't need him on my doorstep with a Hallmark store in tow!
Tell him you're now a cyber-lesbian and I will just not tolerate men trying to steal your affections.
It could work....
LMAO! What is it about me... You get a guy off (or inmy case off really hard) and he thinks you are his soul-mate...*sigh* I need a beer I think....
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