
I am sick again today. Fever, chills, sneezing and a stuffy nose. Despite all of this I have a smile on my face! I left the office earlier than normal last night and went home to get some much needed sleep. I popped my rather lovely self into a steaming hot bubble bath, drank some green tea and snuggled into the loving embrace of my electric blanket. I had been asleep about an hour when my phone rang. Weary, but curious, I snagged the phone from the nightstand and was tickled to see my caller was no other than InZen! I answered and was amused to find myself turning pink at the sound of his VERY sexy voice. Zen and I spent the next 2 hours talking about politics, religion, and my EX among other varied and interesting topics. He made me laugh and made me long. I think I really may need to get my ass to Ann Arbor soon to meet him! The conversation ended only because his cell battery went dead! :( I drug my sniffling, stuffy headed self back to the bed, but was not able to sleep until I called and left him a voicemail message. Did you get it Zen?! Anyway, I am in a good mood even though I feel like shit on the bottom of a shoe...and it is all thanks to the healing voice of Zen! Thanks for the love sugar, and let's talk again soon, ok? I do love a man with a sexy voice and something worthwhile to say! Kisses and Hugs to you-I hope you have a great day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep, I got the message....did you get my email?


Blogger TequilaGuy said...

I have a magical cure for the blahs, lol.

Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

Looks like we have the same cootie *cough *cough

Here's to feeling better soon *tips back the Nyquil*

Blogger Everything Nice said...

See, now you shoulda taken me up on the soup honey!!!

I really do hope you feel better Little Miss, try and get some rest...

Shitty timing though, if you're surfing the HNT's this week, you won't know if it's fever or arousal!


Blogger Mongoose said...

Are those chills, or "Goose"bumps? Hee, hee.

Blogger KJ said...

BOOO Goose, not funny.

Blogger Thomcat said...

do you need some throat coat ?

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

*cough *cough *sniffle *sneeze

I love you guys, except Thom...

Throat coat indeed! (or was that an offer?) Mmmmmm, I feel better just thinking about how you are squirmming right now! hehe

Blogger Thomcat said...

you don't love me

i'm a god

you worship me

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

I worship NO MAN! Especially those who won't put their money where their mouth is...

So, Seattle in the Fall?


Blogger KJ said...

Seattle is too rainy........come to KY

Blogger Thomcat said...

bring it!

and it doesn't rain that much in seattle. it probably rains more in kentucky.

it's just cloudy all the time in the fall

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Thom-as much as I adore you....

You cannot handle us KY girls! Stay where you are, it's safer!


Blogger KJ said...

She's right.........KY girls are a handful

Blogger TequilaGuy said...

Kentucky woman
She shines with her own kind of light
She looks at you once
And a day that’s all wrong looks all right
And I love her
God knows I love her

Kentucky woman
If she get to know you
She goin’ to own you
Kentucky woman

Well, she ain’t the kind
Make heads turn at the drop of her name
But something inside
That she’s got turns you on just the same
And I love her
God knows I love her

Kentucky woman
If she get to know you
She goin’ to own you
Kentucky woman

I don’t want much
The good lord’s earth beneath the feet
A gentle touch
Of that one girl and life is
Sweet and good
There ain’t no doubt
Hey, I’m talking about
Kentucky woman

Kentucky woman

I don’t want much
The good lord’s earth beneath the feet
A gentle touch
Of that one girl and life is
Sweet and good
There ain’t no doubt
Hey, I’m talking about

Kentucky woman
If she get to know you
She goin’ to own you
Kentucky woman

Kentucky woman
Kentucky woman
Kentucky woman

Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

Awwwww a serenade :) How cute are you?!?!

Hey, I've spent the night in Lexington once before.... And I've lived all around it; Tennessee, Ohio and Indiana so does that count for anything???

Oh and then there was the one time (at band camp..j/k) I blew a tire and was stuck on the side of the highway near some KY holler forEVER. I thought for sure that 'Deliverance' was going to happen to me.... It would have helped to have known you chicas then!

Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

Sorry.... cold meds tends to make me babble...


Blogger KJ said...

I love the song.......and Murphy if Lexington girls are easier than Louisville girls.....what's that make Frankfort girls??

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Thanks for the song TG...very appropriate!

Murph-I have been both a Lexington girl and a Frankfort girl! Ponder that, ok?

KJ..I think we must be somewhere in the middle. Easy but with standards.

SGirl-I would have helped you!!! I like knowing you are lurking at the fringes of KY..road trip when you feel better maybe?!


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