Great, if you are reading this that means you noticed the title and decided to read on. Normally I avoid political commentary in this forum, but today I am so pissed I just had to vent! As I was having a VERY early morning cuppa joe I scanned the Lexington Herald Leader. I was appalled to read an article by Ryan Lenz, a reporter for The Associated Press, discussing a group of individuals who protest outside of military funerals.
It seems that the Rev. Fred Phelps, founder of a fundamentalist church based in Topeka, Kansas has a problem with the Iraq War. That I can understand, a lot of us disagree for whatever reasons on the fact that the US is in Iraq at all. The Reverend (and I use that term with disgust) feels that the men and women who are dying in Iraq are being killed by a vengeful God who is angry that our country "harbors" homosexuals. He and his gang of kooks and crazies have taken to demonstrating outside of the Ft. Campbell military post, a base that has been one of the hardest hit since the Iraq war began. Ft. Campbell is the home to the 101st Airborne Divison, a group I am proud to say I have friends in myself. Carrying signs that say things such as, "Thank God for IED's," and "God's Will Be Done" these fanatics harass and ridicule family members and friends of those soldiers who have died in combat. Now, whether you agree or disagree with the war, I do not think any sane person has a right to condemn the very people whose service and dedication to the cause of freedom guarantees your right to free ideas in the first place.
(Side Note: For those of you out of state, I have seen Rev. Phelps up close and personal on more than one occasion. About 2 years ago he decided to bring himself and about 20 of his followers into Lexington, KY. They were there to protest the baptism of 5 babies born to a gay couple through the use of a surrogate mother. The Rev. Phelps was certain all of these children, as well as the two men who were their parents and the woman who gave them life, would burn in Hell. I attended 2 separate rallies in support of these fine gentlemen, as did over 500 other supporters. Rev. Phelps stomped around, damning us all, and insisted HE knew what God wanted, and that we would all be struck down for allowing these children to be baptized. I have never in my life been as angry as I was watching this man. I truly believe he is a modern day Hitler who, with the right backing would attempt to rid the US and then the world of anyone he doesn't think deserves to be here. This man is unfortunately has within his rights as an American citizen to protest as he sees fit. However I find him to be narrow minded, rude, obscene, and generally nauseating.)
A US based group of former Veterans of Foreign Wars calling themselves "Patriot Guard Riders" has decided to stand up to the Rev. Phelps on behalf of all US Service Members and their families. Waving American flags, chanting, " U-S-A, U-S-A," the Patriot Guard Riders attend the funerals of those who have died in combat at the request of the deceased's families. Their only objective is to provide support for those who are grieving, and to celebrate the fact that the deceased is an American Servicemember who died honorably while acting in the call of duty, and who deserves recognition and gratitude. Patriot Guard Riders currently has more then 5,000 members and is instrumental in helping to heal the wounds created by the fanatical Rev. Phelps and Company. They should be recognized for their compassion, and for their respect.
As for Reverend Phelps...Any one who wants to buy this piss poor example of a human being a private island so he can get the hell out of the USA be my guest! I have family and numerous friends who are in the Armed Services, and many of them are in Iraq at this moment. I hope his God will help Reverend Phelps if I have to have the misfortune of coming into contact with him...he doesn't deserve to live, and although I would never take a human life I would love to see him suffer. Preferably in the same manner he has made so many people in this country suffer by his mere existence. People like the Reverend Phelps lack the very thing that has made America so strong, and so proud; He lacks honor, and that is unforgivable in any one who wishes to call themselves an American and enjoy the freedom and prosperity that has been granted us solely by the willingness of our service men and women to fight for this country. If God is in fact omnipresent I am sure HE is taking copious notes on Reverend Phelps, adn I can only hope that he spends his eternity in the worst kind of hell imaginable.
To All of my friends who are serving overseas and stateside: ( Gary, Tiffany, Megan, Rob, Chris, Caleb, Amy and Stace) I know you cannot comment (firewalls...I get it already!) but I want you each to know that I am always here for you and you are in my thoughts each and every day. May you stay safe and return home soon...God Bless America and God Bless You!
http://patriotguard.org Check them out and let them know their work is appreciated!
http://herald-leader.com Original article
It seems that the Rev. Fred Phelps, founder of a fundamentalist church based in Topeka, Kansas has a problem with the Iraq War. That I can understand, a lot of us disagree for whatever reasons on the fact that the US is in Iraq at all. The Reverend (and I use that term with disgust) feels that the men and women who are dying in Iraq are being killed by a vengeful God who is angry that our country "harbors" homosexuals. He and his gang of kooks and crazies have taken to demonstrating outside of the Ft. Campbell military post, a base that has been one of the hardest hit since the Iraq war began. Ft. Campbell is the home to the 101st Airborne Divison, a group I am proud to say I have friends in myself. Carrying signs that say things such as, "Thank God for IED's," and "God's Will Be Done" these fanatics harass and ridicule family members and friends of those soldiers who have died in combat. Now, whether you agree or disagree with the war, I do not think any sane person has a right to condemn the very people whose service and dedication to the cause of freedom guarantees your right to free ideas in the first place.
(Side Note: For those of you out of state, I have seen Rev. Phelps up close and personal on more than one occasion. About 2 years ago he decided to bring himself and about 20 of his followers into Lexington, KY. They were there to protest the baptism of 5 babies born to a gay couple through the use of a surrogate mother. The Rev. Phelps was certain all of these children, as well as the two men who were their parents and the woman who gave them life, would burn in Hell. I attended 2 separate rallies in support of these fine gentlemen, as did over 500 other supporters. Rev. Phelps stomped around, damning us all, and insisted HE knew what God wanted, and that we would all be struck down for allowing these children to be baptized. I have never in my life been as angry as I was watching this man. I truly believe he is a modern day Hitler who, with the right backing would attempt to rid the US and then the world of anyone he doesn't think deserves to be here. This man is unfortunately has within his rights as an American citizen to protest as he sees fit. However I find him to be narrow minded, rude, obscene, and generally nauseating.)
A US based group of former Veterans of Foreign Wars calling themselves "Patriot Guard Riders" has decided to stand up to the Rev. Phelps on behalf of all US Service Members and their families. Waving American flags, chanting, " U-S-A, U-S-A," the Patriot Guard Riders attend the funerals of those who have died in combat at the request of the deceased's families. Their only objective is to provide support for those who are grieving, and to celebrate the fact that the deceased is an American Servicemember who died honorably while acting in the call of duty, and who deserves recognition and gratitude. Patriot Guard Riders currently has more then 5,000 members and is instrumental in helping to heal the wounds created by the fanatical Rev. Phelps and Company. They should be recognized for their compassion, and for their respect.
As for Reverend Phelps...Any one who wants to buy this piss poor example of a human being a private island so he can get the hell out of the USA be my guest! I have family and numerous friends who are in the Armed Services, and many of them are in Iraq at this moment. I hope his God will help Reverend Phelps if I have to have the misfortune of coming into contact with him...he doesn't deserve to live, and although I would never take a human life I would love to see him suffer. Preferably in the same manner he has made so many people in this country suffer by his mere existence. People like the Reverend Phelps lack the very thing that has made America so strong, and so proud; He lacks honor, and that is unforgivable in any one who wishes to call themselves an American and enjoy the freedom and prosperity that has been granted us solely by the willingness of our service men and women to fight for this country. If God is in fact omnipresent I am sure HE is taking copious notes on Reverend Phelps, adn I can only hope that he spends his eternity in the worst kind of hell imaginable.
To All of my friends who are serving overseas and stateside: ( Gary, Tiffany, Megan, Rob, Chris, Caleb, Amy and Stace) I know you cannot comment (firewalls...I get it already!) but I want you each to know that I am always here for you and you are in my thoughts each and every day. May you stay safe and return home soon...God Bless America and God Bless You!
http://patriotguard.org Check them out and let them know their work is appreciated!
http://herald-leader.com Original article
Wow, OOH RAH, way to shout out. About time we had an American voice speak out so soundly.
that's really quite appalling. to be harassing mourners is unconsciounable and indefensible.
My thoughts exactly...thanks for reading!
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I couldn't agree with your thoughts more...
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