Love from DA BOYZ
Awww, sheesh guys- you didn't have to send the e-cards and messages, but I LOVE THEM! Tequila Guy...My hive is buzzin' now, and "Yes" I will drink with you! InZen...While you were in a meeting, huh? You HAVE to control that, but call me later and I will take care of it for you! Ari...Kisses back at u sugar, you know where to find me! To my MIA list...J, Q, Seedy, Goose, etc-WTF?! No love, huh? That's ok...I have VERY special plans for each of you and they don't involve cards or flowery notes either! ;) Much love to my gang of merry men, You know I love everyone of you...Just not all at once and NEVER on the same night! After all I am just not THAT kind of girl..hehe!
Thanks for the shout out.
Tag chica. You are officially and categorically IT!
Ooooooo, I like that TG! Can u get a little closer next time u "buzz" me though-it's ahrd to get honey from a hive in KY!
MUCH LOVE to J.-Thanks for the IM sugarpop, and Happy VDay to your rotten ass as well!
Not the case Goose, check your blog!
Speaking of checking blogs, did you?
I left u a comment TG!!!
oh great... see all the guys punk'd me cause they were all... lets not send a VD card to Miss Innocent cause like only losers send VD cards so here I am... no card *puts fingers in shape of "L" to forehead*
Happy Valentines Day Darling
aww romey u do love me baby! Don't tell KJ, she wants to hoard u!
I just wanna "whore"d u! hehe
U can send me a card now honey, better late than never!
I read this guys..........Romey I'm crushed :)
Hey KJ...wanna share him???
lil miss, where are you?
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