
The shit I'll do for a free lunch...

Okay people, get on your thinking caps and prepare yourselves...Goose does not believe my posse's skills are adequate to beat his posse. So, we are gonna leave it up to you in blogland to make the decision. Check out Goose's Clique at http://worldofthegoose.blogspot.com Compare his list to mine (buried somewhere down below here) and render your verdict on this site so we can keep track. All votes MUST have justification or they will be disqualified. The loser has to buy lunch--so I need to win folks, tax season hasn't hit it's peak yet you know - and I have a feeling Goose will pig out if I am buying.

(Yes, that was a shameless attempt at the pity vote...but I gotta work with what I have. Begging is something I can do well if properly motivated!)

So, cast your votes, play well with one another, and be sure to follow the rules. All votes due in by 12:00pm EST, Friday, February 24.

Rules for participation: You must provide us with justification for why you vote the way you do. Posses' cannot be altered-they stand as originally posted. One vote per person, no exceptions. Feel free to also provide us with a list of your posse if you have one!

Have a Wonderfully Wet Wednesday! (So called 'cause I am hoping Goose gets hosed.)


Blogger Mongoose said...

Goose, hands down...I'd justify, but you're not going to count my vote anyway...Deal is on.

Blogger The Volpinator said...

Goose, you have no idea what you are talking about! Miss Innocent, your posse rocks! you will win!

Blogger PackerPundit said...

Goose... order something you have to call ahead for... like chocolate moose or possum... oh... and at least 2 appetizers

no happy meals and nothing you can order while still in your car

Blogger Mongoose said...

Already compiling the list my fellow dudester....

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Romey...you seem awful onfident in the goose's skills and yet you failed to vote! Get on with it already.

Goose...I like everything at Serafini's, but I wondered...

Can I have you for dessert?


Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Damn, that was "confident" Romey, NOT "onfident"

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Keeping score right here....if I can get Goose and his band of folowers to direct their comments to this post that would be nice....

And this English Major didn't correct your spelling of "paper clip"(from Posse List Post)... until now!

Blogger KJ said...

Can I vote for both of you guys?!?!? I'm facing a moral dilemna and if I spelled that wrong bite me.

Blogger Mongoose said...

No! You must choose.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Kristen, may I remind you it was I that watched the spawn of Beth so she could do Halloween with you...?

Not that I would try to bribe you or anything...hehe!

Beth...Good you DID catch that! I was seeing how awake you are!


(You can call me Pedro)

Blogger Mongoose said...

Romey, vote, dude.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to do this to you but sister please....ET and Bettle Juice I mean why didn"t you put Dora the Explorer in charge of recon and BLues Clues in charge of intel....sorry but the Goose wins this battle!!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

ET is not for intelligence gathering, merely a communications expert.

And MUST I remind you all again that Beetlejuice is a premier spellcaster and evil genius?!

He can shrink heads for cryin' out loud!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

***Current Score: Goose 2, Miss 1***

Please remember, justification for your vote IS required if you want to be counted!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

OOO, wait that's a TIE score.

2-All folks, get movin' already!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beetle Juice didn't do the head shrinking, the voodoo guy who's ticket he stole in the dead waiting room strunk his head. Not to mention the little girl was not the evil one in Hide and Seek. Someone needs to rewatch their movies befor they fill their posse.

I have to vote for Goose.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know you except from KJ's blog and Goose's so I have to go with Goose's posse.

The last person was right though, Beetle Juice didn't do the head shrinking. Plus I have this thing about the Exorcist. That movie still freaks me out.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...


Have I said lately how much I love my sis?

You tell 'em girl, it saves me the trouble!

Blogger Mongoose said...

I hear a lot of blah, blah, blah, but not much voting peeps...

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Damn Goosey, we agree on something at least.


Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Hey Big D...

Come over here so I can KICK YOUR ASS

I promise not to be weak or cry while I do it either....

How in the world did you find a wife to put up with your neanderthal mentality?!

Blogger KJ said...

Crying? There's no Crying in make believe Posse's

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not changing my vote but I do have to say that Gooose does not have anyone to ward off any magical spells. Maybe Gandoff should be added. Unless it is too late to add more. (not sure of the rules of this game)

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Jenn, Posses cannot be adjusted..they must stand as first posted.

If they could change I would have to add Chucky, Roy/Aaron from Primal Fear, Saruman from LOTR, Freddy/Jason/Mike Meyers, and The entire cast of Goodfella's!

Thanks for playing!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My vote is for Goose. Kick their ass Goose! The only thing Miss Innocent's possee has going for her is a little magic, but who cares. I mean you have Will Hunting, the Einstein of Einsteins in movie history. I'm sure he can figure out a mathematical way to protect you from any evil spells. You win Goose!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...


Curent score: Goose 4, Laurel 2

(Yes, he is winning. At least I can admit it-- further proving that regardless of what BigD thinks of women some of us are strong! No cryin' or bitchin' here folks, after all I know the truth about my posse!)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't Worry Baby! I'll console you if you lose. (Just don't tell Kristen or It).

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops. I mean when you lose. Sorry.

Blogger KJ said...

What the hell Cajun!?!?!? I venture off to another blog and already you're consoling other chica's? I'm tellin LT right now.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Whimpering is a vocal sound, not the same thing as crying, which involves some form of liquid leaking from the eyes as I understand it.

Cajun...Not interested unless the girls get to come along too...hehe
The more the merrier!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops. busted. hehehe

Blogger KJ said...

That's right, you have some serious making up to do the next time you're in town.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey cajun, BAD MOVE!!! Remember that in blogland we stick together!! I can't believe you'd do that to me and KJ and think we'd never read it!! Nice try but you definitely got BUSTED!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right! I'm so horrible. Plus, I really didn't think that you'd ever read it. What about a 4some? I'll send Murph the pictures.

Blogger PackerPundit said...

I'm voting for Bush... oh wait... that was last year... oh yeah... I vote for Mongoose dude

Okay... in order to do my part for MANkind I will taking off an item of clothing for every vote given to goose's posse (see: http://worldofthegoose.blogspot.com/)

this of course is in an effort to defeat the gorgeous and semi-horny miss innocent and her posse (see: http://missnoscents.blogspot.com/)

Blogger PackerPundit said...

Hello... this is Romey's incredibly good looking and "hung like bull" immigrant cousin from Denmark... Lars... and I'd like to cast my vote for goose!

Lad være med at hade,
Lars <~~~ not romey... bite me

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Hey Romey...

Take it ALL off and send me the exclusive full monty pics and I will concede defeat immediately!

And semi-horney? YOu don't know me at all do you babe?!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got to vote Goose. The whole ET/Beetlejuice combo freaks me out.

Plus, Romey getting naked for votes? It's a no-brainer.

Blogger KJ said...

For the love of God people, vote the Goose.....
Romey's getting naked!!!!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...


I was hoping I'd have naked pics of Romey so I could concede defeat...

Guess I have to keep acting as if I might win....

Blogger Miss Innocent said...


I CAN TOO get naked pics....

I respectfully vote for Mongoose's posse!!!!

You can send those anytime now Romey!


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