
Image hosting by Photobucket Happy Hump Day Y'All! I have created a VERY short "quiz" to give you something to do with your brains today. Please think about your answers before commenting, ok?

1.The last time I ate a hot dog I....... (Threw up! I HATE hot dogs)

2. My favorite author, right now, is...... (Jonathan Kellerman)

3. I think the world's worst evil-doers are....... (Child Molesters and Animal abusers)

4. My guiltiest pleasure is......

(Any form of GREAT sex, although I am not usually guilty about it!)

5. If I could travel anywhere I'd go........ (Seychelle Islands! Calm, quiet, and soooo beautiful)

6. This really makes me mad........

(People who talk shit about me but don't really know me at all!)

7. People don't know this about me but....... (I am a sappy romantic at heart)

Have fun playing with me and have a magnificent Wednesday!!!!


Blogger KJ said...

OOO, goodie a quiz!!!

1.The last time I ate a hot dog I.........

smothered it with chili, cheese, and diced onions

sorry, I love chili dogs

2. My favorite author, right now, is........

Nicholas Sparks
wrote the Wedding and the Notebook

3. I think the world's worst evil-doers are...........

I agree
(Child Molesters and Animal abusers)

4. My guiltiest pleasure is.........

Going to stip clubs and partying

5. If I could travel anywhere I'd go.........


6. This really makes me mad.........

Judgmental, catty, bitchy, jealous females who talk about you for no reason.
And when I have to deal with my EX Husband

7. People don't know this about me but.......

No comment

Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

1.The last time I ate a hot dog I.......

think it was 1987. I quit eating pork and beef shortly after that and have never gone back.

2. My favorite author, right now, is......

Maya Angelou

3. I think the world's worst evil-doers are.......

You hit the nail on the head with your answer!

4. My guiltiest pleasure is......

Seattle boys, Kentucky girls, Little Debbies, peanut butter, beer, tittie bars and cheese ;)

5. If I could travel anywhere I'd go........

Seattle. Or a tropical beach somewhere... oh wait, I'm going to one in 17 days! :D Guess just Seattle then ;)

6. This really makes me mad........

bigots, racists, my sister's downward spiral and breaking news interruptions during Montel, American Idol or ER.

7. People don't know this about me but.......

When I cook with eggs, I have to remove the clumpy, white umbilical cords. BLECHT! They SOOOO gross me out and I can't just sit there and let those nasty fucking things cook in my food.

Blogger Thomcat said...

1. The last time I ate a hot dog I... smiled in gluttony bliss.

2. My favorite author right now is ... Terry Brooks.

3. I think the world's worst evil doers are .... corporate middle management ass kissers.

4. My guiltiest pleasure is .... tearing tags off of mattresses.

5. If I could travel anywhere I'd go .... east.

6. This really makes me mad .... rubber-neckers in traffic.

7. People don't know this about me, but .... I like to run in shopping malls while only wearing my wife's black panties and a chicken head yelling "the end is near! the end is near!"

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Ok,ok...I think we need to put our heads togther and plan a blogspot convention somewhere in the Central US....who wants to help?

Blogger Everything Nice said...

1.The last time I ate a hot dog I....... Was stared at by just about every one at the hockey game.

2. My favorite author, right now, is...... Dr. Suess, because he's fun to read on narcotics.

3. I think the world's worst evil-doers are....... People that don't flush. I mean, WHY!?!?!?!

4. My guiltiest pleasure is...... This is a lengthy list and one that I hold near and dear to my busom. Should I decide to share I will publish it and charge you $12.95

5. If I could travel anywhere I'd go........ Crazy insane on ya.

6. This really makes me mad........ ignorance and fair-weather friends.

7. People don't know this about me but....... err. ummm. ahhhh. K, grasping at the concept of telling you....

Blogger Thomcat said...

Everything nice - i was staring too!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...


Emma!!!! I have missed you sooo much, thrilled you dropped in!

"Crazy insane" huh? Maybe you should come to KY!

Oh fuck! I am on hiatus...I will let you know when I return and we can plan your trip here!

*Hot, wet kisses to you!

Blogger Mongoose said...

1.The last time I ate a hot dog I....... was at a political function and enjoying the fact that it was free...

2. My favorite author, right now, is...... C.S. Lewis

3. I think the world's worst evil-doers are....... radical fundamentalist who believe it is their calling to kill you in the name of their god.

4. My guiltiest pleasure is......the show Las Vegas (Vanessa Marcil, yikes!)

5. If I could travel anywhere I'd go........ to Aruba.

6. This really makes me mad........people who claim that you can be a hypocrite because you aren't perfect.

7. People don't know this about me but....... I let words get to me way too easily.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Nice answers from all of you!

KJ...forgot about a chili dog, that is a different sort of thing and I love them!

Thom...next time you go nuts in a mall send me a pic? I need the laugh!

Sullen Girl...re: #7, I DO IT TOO! That is sooo funny to me, but I cannot eat that!

Goose...I promise to watch what I say then...hehe! And take ME to Aruba soon?! I need sun, sand and surf for real!

Blogger The Volpinator said...

1.The last time I ate a hot dog I....... I had Cheese Coneys at Gold Star! Love 'em!

2. My favorite author, right now, is...... and always will be Stephen King.

3. I think the world's worst evil-doers are....... Liars and cheats.

4. My guiltiest pleasure is......erotica of any kind

5. If I could travel anywhere I'd go........ Europe!

6. This really makes me mad........ when people lie to me!

7. People don't know this about me but....... I am not as tough as my exterior would seem...


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