
HNT and other stuff

I am home resting after my trip to the ER yesterday. For those of you who may not know I have been dealing with endometriosis for the last few years, and am often in pain as a result of my illness. Yesterday I was hurting so much, and the pain was so intense, that I decided to go to the Doctor and have a check up. The Doctor sent me over to our hospital and I was then treated to a series of tests, hooked up to an IV, made to have a vaginal ultrasound, and then given a big dose of Phenergan and Demarol. I am going to have to have some outpatient surgery here in a few weeks to remove some of the scar tissue so that I have less pressure and will feel better. If you do not know what enodmetriosis is feel free to Google it or look it up at http://healthwebnetwork.com I am feeling better today, although a bit woozy from the IV cocktail...I have NO tolerance for meds! I will be lurking in blogland for a bit today, but mostly I will be curled up in bed asleep and trying to feel better so I can return to work. Thanks for those of you that worried about me, I am going to be fine! And special thanks to T. for staying by my bedside and listening to me babble on nonsensically as the drugs did their job. You are a peach and I am greatful beyond words for you! Thanks also to Coacharob, she made sure I got home safe. returned to get my car, and then bought me a big ass bottle of Tylenol so that I have the OTC remedy my Doc prefers close at hand. I would have been really lost without the two of them, so I wanted to be sure they got their props!

As far as the drama from yesterday goes....STOP ALREADY! I will be dealing with Ses on a woman to woman basis and I do not want to see/hear/read anything else about this bs on my site. She and I will work it all out and then (hopefully) life will return to a somewhat normal state. I would like to say that while I appreciate all the love and defense I received from you guys this is a situation that is volatile and blogging about it is not going to bring a resoloution any faster. So, as far as commentary goes this is now a dead issue and I hope you will all respect that.

Now it's time for an HNT....I dunno if I should even bother with this in light of how bad the last few days have been, but like I said I have nothing to hide and I have no intention of NOT participating....too many of you would be angry with me! So here you go...enjoy it and Have a HAPPY HALF-NEKKID THURSDAY already...Lawd knows we need some sunshine in this place!