Ponder This
Why is it when someone does something heinous to you and you then take a stand to defend yourself they like to scream and bitch and moan and make threats? It seems to me that if people would just learn to keep secrets to themselves, and to not gossip and run their mouths for lack of anything better to do the world would be a happier place. And when I say "gossip" I am referring to the type of talk that is passed along with malicious glee, regardless of whether or not there is a factual basis for the conversation. Is it just me, or do many of you run into this type of "High School" mentality?! Feedback people, give me feedback!
Makes me almost long for the bullshit I endured in Lexington....
Makes me almost long for the bullshit I endured in Lexington....
alriiiiiighty then...
Seems like we got a huge Laurel fan as the acrynom would suggest...
S = Sexy
U = Unbelievable
C = Cute
K = Kute again (I went to public school)
S = Sensational
does somebody need a midol... a hunk of chocolate... and possibly a lobatomy???
good lawrd girl... if your gunna commin in here talking smack on Laurel... make up a dumb ass blogger name to hide behind... then do this all in the dead of night (yeah... 1:30 am - 2 am is like uber late... unless you don't have a life and... oh... that explains it)
in the immortal words of Rodney King... "Can't we all just SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!" and quit with the hateraide already
I'm having second thoughts about that Kentucky road trip... I may need Goose to provide some cover and a gatt... and I thought Pittsburgh was tough... geesh
Frankfort sucks Romey......the women in this town are evil. There are a select few who stand out among the girls.......
You know, when you comment on someone's blog at weird hours of the night, then you need to give them a chance to respond without calling them a coward. We all know she is not a coward and I can't wait to watch her respond to this.
I just want to add one more thing... it is patently obvious your intention was to come in here and demean Laurel's charactor by trash talking her in front of her friends that read her blog...
holy effin Junior high...
that is soooo lame and if you had an ounce of intelligence (jury has come in... you dont) you'd realize that we're ALLL going to come to her defense because we are her...
you may want to sit down for this...
amazing conceipt... I know... you ought to try it yourself sometime and get you some
Not that I have to defend myself against you, but I did not leave with "a car full of people." I left with Gary and Daniel, and we went to Daniel and HIS WIFE'S house and passed out rather promptly. I find it amusing that you honestly believe that by continuing to be the hateful, spiteful, malicious bitch you are you have somehow proved a point.
As for the years I did not speak to you...You know exactly WHY I chose to absent myself from your life during that time, and you know that I did it because I cared about you, so you can try and make it sound like I was a hearless bitch, but that's just another prime example of you twisting facts to suit you and your twisted little mind. And for the record, you NEVER called me and asked for my help when you were preggers, and if you had I would have been there for you...Unlike you I give a shit about people, even when they prove to me over and over again they do not deserve my trust or respect.
And in case you didn't notice...You brought your drama to MY world, and the people here now have more reasons to dislike you than I EVER gave them! Once again, you opened your mouth when it would have served you well to keep it shut, not that I am surprised, you thrive on creating drama and playing the victim...that may work well with some people, but it doesn't work with me.
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Couple more things...
1. "Miss Innocent" is a moniker that is intended to be sarcastic, sorry you didn't catch on to that and thought your first comment was funny.
2. I have met your daughter on several occassions,but I am not surprised you don't remember them.
3.Don't ever call my phone and leave a message calling me a "cunt" again...at least be more creative than that!
4. While I may not like you at this moment I do not HATE you and wish you and yours nothing but the best...I just would rather not have to interact with you ever again, for any reason, at any time.
5. Welcome to blogworld, feel free to visit at anytime, Sesamie.
Kristen, while I can appreciate the sentiment lets not bring Jason or anyone else into this drama...neither of them (nor anyone else for that matter) have anything to do with what is happening here and I have no interest in making them part of the fiasco. That just creates even more drama and is counterproductive.
Thanks for the love though girl, I know you are just watching out for me!
oooooops I swallowed my bubble gum!he he he he! geeeeeeeeeez
holy fucknuts! i missed a good catfight here
what a skank .... sheesh
Thank you for visiting here and making a very valid point. I do not feel inferior however; just defeated, beat down, and wary of all people right now. Sesamie claims she told NO ONE about the "offer" and I suppose I should believe her, but I have been burned too many times lately by too many people I trusted and called friends. This is part of life in a small town, and while I accept that I do not have to agree with the backstabbing, gossiping, or other bullshit that has become "de rigeur." When I posted my original rant about this issue I was expressing my PERSONAL opinion on both the matter and the individual. Last time I checked this was still a country in which freedom of speech applies. I have removed that post because Ses found it so offensive, and regardless of any issues she and I may have I was not trying to be cruel when I wrote it. If you know us from high school as you claim to, then you also know that I like to keep my issues to myself as a general rule and will come out fighting only when I have been pushed to the limit.
Having said that allow me to point out that this blog deals specifically with MY life, as I state in the title. Yes, there are other, more important issues out there to blog about, but this is what I choose to discuss. On occassion I will rant about politics, or other "topics of import"...but I started this blog as an outlet for ME and as a way to express myself and my feelings, and that is exactly what I intend to do.
Also let me say, that NO ONE had any further thoughts, comments, or opinions about Ses as a result of the previous post. In fact only 2 of the commentors were even from here and neither of them could pick her out of a crowd if they had to.(Also note~ I never identified what city she was from, nor did I give her last name... and her middle name was given as a response to a comment that was jabbing fun at her first name~so it's not as if I just trew all her info out there so she would be harassed or something.) She has brought the drama back by posting a series of catty messages and expecting me to retaliate. If she had left well enough alone no one would have given her another thought as far as this blog goes.
I am sorry you are saddened, a part of me feels the same way, but I think that once all is said and done she and I will be better off not interacting with one another. Would I save her from a burning building? Hell Yeah! Will I allow myself to be vulnerable to her again...Not in a million years.
For the love of God.....
This is a blog, a personal outlet for the individual writing it. If you don't like her, don't like her opinions or don't want to read about what she does then don't click on here.
Geez, people, leave the personal attacks to yourself. If you can't say something nice get your ass up from the computer
Good thing Laurel knows some attorneys too. Hey, note to your legal services...You have to prove damages. That is, like your reputation, ability to earn money, or even your character have been demeaned in such away that you can show actual financial loss. Hope that trip to your attorney's office is worth the 150 bucks an hour. Peace.
Hey....I've got a really good idea...Y'all ready? Okay, here is how this goes...We are going to forget that this thread happened. The only thing that has been injured here has been a friendship. If you guys don't want to work on that...Fine. There are only three people on here that know all of the parties involved and you guys are arguing amongst yourselves. Let's just move on. I understand that this is important to all of you involved, but let's just forget it. The rest of the handful of people that read this blog, don't know your history, don't know you personally, couldn't pick you out of a lineup if we had to, and quite frankly don't care about the issues involved in this thread.
Frankfort Rocks!!!!
I know 8 people named Sesame.....and I don't know you so I think you're safe with the name issue
Yes, you do. You enjoy privacy. But, look, this issue was DEAD. To understand the blog world is to know that we forget what happens from day to day. We don't even review former posts most of the time; especially when those posts involve people that we have NO clue who they are....We are interested in the subject matter, NOT the individuals involved. I'm sorry your acquaintance read the information, I can't see how the person thinks any less of you because of a squabble among friends, but if they do, you probably didn't need that friend anyway. Let's just chill. I don't know you, I don't care about the issues, but let's just cut out the attacks. You are bringing down the Goose!
Hey...people talk shit about me everyday...My life goes on...I'm not bullshitting you, it is the truth. I don't get freakin worked up when somebody says something about me. If I did, I would remain worked up all the time. Don't bring up other people's relationships. We are trying to mediate this and you are just spewing more hate. Let's just stop.
Well, actually the reference, taken in context, was made towards your child's father. We are all spawn. Satan in the reference is the man that fathered that child. Now, I do have children and wouldn't want anyone to criticize my kids. But, I really think she was calling out the guy not your daughter. Just trying to work it out....
Nah, that's ok. I'm old enough to realize and understand that people talk about others. I learned that lesson years ago. I let it go for the most part. It's really not worth my time plus the bottom line is that even if they do talk about me, what the hell do I care?
I might have misread the whole thing but I missed the attack on your child........I don't see anything where she is badmouthing your baby.
I'm out, got things to go do people.
Seriously, let's all just chill and move on. My head hurts from all this drama and I'm way too old for drama.
I think it's everyone's special week.....we all love kids, nobody meant to attack the children. He Said/She Said is soooo 9th grade....
Beth, Laurel, Sesame....this disagreement only involves you three so I think everyone should agree just not to be friends anymore and don't talk.
*cancels trip to Kentucky*
As you all noticed I was not here for the biggest part of all this. I was being treated in the ER for some persistent medical problems I have been dealing with the last few years. Ses, I am sorry if what Beth said was taken as an attack on your daughter. She is a lovely, bright little girl and I do not think that was what my sister meant. As far as any legal action goes...If you feel a need to persue this angle then I am not going to try and stop you, I know how stubborn you are and I will not try to disuade you since I doubt it would be of little help. I do however urge you to take a look at the info you have printed and saved and remember that it was YOU who started this conflict as it exisits now. As Goose so aptly pointed out no one else had even mentioned you, or had truly hateful things to say until you came into this forum and started the ball rolling. Also, if you read all the past posts you will find that I often blog about people from all over, not just within our hometown~ so the poeple who read this could not have pinned you down to Frankfort had you not chosen to come out and say you are from here. This whole mess saddens and aggravates me...and I think Goose was right again when he said it should just be dropped.
As far as the other individuals from "our hometown" go...You must not know me at all if you assume that by calling myself or my sister whores you will get me riled up. Yes, I have been sexually adventerous in my past and I refuse to make any apologies for that. I am my own person adn decsions I make, be they good or bad, are mine to live with. I have no regrets thus far, only experiences that have given me more insight and wisdom and character. Besides, a whore gets paid doesn't she?! I can assure you that neither YOU no anyone else has ever paid for time spent with my sister or myself. I feel bad for you that in the midst of all the drama and chaos that has been going on the best you could do was to come up with a tired, overused phrase. Having said that why don't you have the balls to at least identify yourself by name if you feel so smug and secure? Maybe it's because you have secrets that you wouldn't want to be called to the crapet for? Also allow me to point out that until 2 weeks ago I had not even been in a bar in Frankfort for more than 2 years, I was in a commited, monagamous relationship for more than 3 so I hardly think that qualifies me as a whore. And condsidering my sis is engaged to be married and has not been in any type of sexual relationship outside of her fiancee I don't think she qualifies either. However, you have a righ to express your opinion, just as I have a right to take issue with it.
Thom dearest, I miss you babe...things always seem less hectic and stressed when you are around. I trust you have managed to get out of bed and are feeling better? I hope so and I am sending you my love and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery!
P.S. Goosey, YOU know my sister and I both have mad love and respect for you...if either one of us ever said anything bad about you I am sure it would be something we had also said to your face before! Keep that in mind and know that the rumor mill is always working OT here in the 'Fort.
I for one think you are a fantastic guy, and a great friend! You are smart, witty, talented, a great dad, and an all around good man. Thanks for being here, and for trying to help reslove some of this drama...I truly apprecate your efforts!
***And just for the record, Goose is STRICTLY a friend!! I thought I would throw that out there before some perverse mind tried to take the above comments and make them something sleazy by twisitng them to suit their current needs.
Where exactly did I use his name?
Laurel, she is talking about me not Goose. She is saying that you or Beth have talked about me and she knows it for a fact. That comment wasn't directed at Goose
*lightbulb goes on...
Guess I missed that, sorry I was doped up and not at full mental capacity. Kris, I haven't even been alone at a table in the DRagon EVER with my sis to have talked about you, so I have no idea where that comes from...but no matter.
Ses, the comments about "whore" did not come from you, it was from BA Pimp, sorry if that was not made clear in my reply to that
The original posts that had names of anyone outside of you or myself were moderated by me, and then removed. I also made a special point of asking that people outside of us were not involved. Anything that happened while I was unavailable I apologize for, but this is an open forum and free speech does still have it's place here. I hate that you have been further offended but I was not the one who made that happen.
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