
The 'Demise' of KJ's World

As many of you may have noticed KJ's World is no longer in existence. I know this is a fact that saddens and confuses those of you who have come to know and love Kristen, and I know she misses all of you as well. However, the reasons she has left blogworld have me so pissed I can hardly see straight~ and I am sure you all will feel as I do when you hear the story behind her departure.

Kristen arrived home this evening to find a typed letter bearing the signature "Anonymous." There was no return address on this letter, and since she is not listed ANYWHERE she is still puzzled as to who knows her well enough to not only hate her, but to have her address as well. The content of the letter was intimidating and threatening. The author advised Kris that if she continued to blog while at work then he/she would do whatever it took to have Kristen fired. The author further went on to say that unless Kris stopped blogging copies of her blog would be printed out and mailed to members of her family as well as to the school her sons attend. Needless to say Kristen decided that this Anon. Asshole should be taken somewhat seriously so she decided to trash her entire blog to protect her kids, although there is NOTHING on her blog to be embarrassed about.
Not only did this individual continually harass Kris on her blog, he/she has now taken that negativity outside of blogworld and intruded upon Kristen's REAL world. WTF?! Her children are the most important thing in her life, and she is a wonderful mother~ I fail to see why the school would give a flying fuck about what she discusses in blog world. She does not endanger her kids in any way thru her blog, she is not an alcoholic, a drug addict, or an abuser. All she is is a woman who was trying to finally get off her chest the things she has been dealing with for so many years, and if she wants to blog about HER life experiences who the fuck does that hurt? She never mentions names of those people that made life difficult for her; Hell, she never mentions her children's names either! I am saddened that whoever Anon. is he/she has so little to do in their own life that they felt it was appropriate to intentionally set out to hurt someone who has come as far, and is as loving as Kristen. Having said that I have a few words for Anon. Myself...And you know what? I even fixed the comments section so the asshole can continue to hide by commenting the way he/she is most comfortable...Anonymously!

Anon~ I hope you read this you fuckhead! You are a low class piece of shit and you can feel free to print this blog and send it to who the fuck ever you want. Unlike Kristen I have no reason to fear small minded people who derive pleasure from forcing thier misery upon an individual; especially if it is done by an individual who is too chickenshit to identify themselves. If you have something to say, let's hear it! Tell us WHO you are, WHY you feel like it is okay to harass, intimidate, and ridicule someone for speaking out and being themselves, and more importantly to me, WHY you feel like bringing Kris' sons into this matter does anything but prove how ridiculous and vengeful you are. To me this whole thing reeks of your own personal insecurities and jealousy. How dare you force someone to bend to your will merely because you don't like them or agree with their life! I sincerely hope you are not a parent, because I have found that small minded people like you tend to raise children who are equally evil, petty and insecure~ and no child should be raised in that type of atmosphere! I do hope you are pleased with yourself; I hope you feel powerful and smart; but mostly I hope you have the balls to stop hiding and let the world know who you are. After all, if you have no secrets, no skeletons in YOUR closet, nothing YOU have ever done that other people might not like, then why not give us all a name?! I have a feeling you are too fucking afraid of what people do know about YOU and would have to say about YOUR past to stop hiding. If you want to play games Anon then there are several daycare providers around here that would be more than happy to accommodate another child such as you. In the meantime, leave Kristen and her family alone, get the fuck out of blogworld, and go be the miserable, manipulative, petty individual you are without dragging anyone else into your personal brand of insanity! I can assure you; no one will miss you around here.

Kristen, like I told you last night...Harassment is against the law, call the police and file a report! Additionally, do NOT let this dipshit make you doubt yourself; you are an incredible woman and we all know that to be fact. I am always here if you need to lean on someone, and until you get the computer at home and can return to blogworld...feel free to use the comments here to stay in touch! We all love you and support you, and when we find Anon...Let's just say it will be one helluva interesting time! I love you girl, and you ARE missed!

Just FYI...in case Anon is lurking or anyone else is interested:
**KRS 525.080 Harassing Communications**
(1) A person is guilty of harassing communications when with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person he:

(a) Communicates with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, telegraph, mail or any other form of written communication in a manner which causes annoyance or alarm and serves no purpose of legitimate communication; or
(b) Makes a telephone call, whether or not conversation ensues, with no purpose of legitimate communication.

(2) Harassing communications is a Class B misdemeanor.


Blogger Everything Nice said...

Kristen has my upmost support and sympathy.

Please have her email me if she'd like to keep in touch.

It is a sad day indeed.

kisses and warm crying hugs,

Blogger Madame X said...

Miss I is right this is against the law!

I am here for whatever you need!

Kisses and hugs!

Blogger RobynB said...

What a horrific thing for someone to do.

Kristen, you're a wonderful and beautiful person. This too shall pass.

My thoughts are with you girl!

Miss, keep us posted.



Blogger The Volpinator said...

This person has to be absolutely crazy! It's mean, vindictive, and just plain stupid! Kristen, you know I have your back anytime!

Anonymous, if you're reading...get a life!

Blogger erika said...

Damn I am so mad!!! What right does anybody have any right to judge anybody.

I am so sorry. Kristen is in my thoughts!

Blogger PackerPundit said...

what the fuck is wrong with people?

I remember when a similar thing happened to Madam X... then my friend Summer had this happen

Kristen... my little love muffin... it speaks volumes about your attacker that they have to cut you down to make themselves feel big!
Now one final BITE ME for you!

Blogger KJ said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Kristen........

Thanks everyone for being so nice....

I'll be back when you least except it...just gimme a little while to regroup and think all this through.

Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

My situation wasn't nearly as bad as yours KJ, but there are reasons why I don't blog anymore either.

I agree w/ Sug, it does appear that this may be someone you work with. I feel for you girl - I can't wait to see you back out here again one day :)


Blogger Miss Innocent said...

To All~

Reading your comments and feeling the love you guys have for KJ reminds me of WHY I started blogging in the first place! Thanks for helping to show not only Kris, but whoever else is lurking out there that we are very much like an extended family here in blogworld; and that we will defend our 'sister' without question and without reservation!

*Warm, fuzzy hugs and kisses to all~ and love for Kris!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It might not be a bad idea for Kristen to launch a pre-emptive strike.

Warn her boys' school that someone has been harassing her on the internet and ask them to keep copies of all communication.

Same for her work.

She doesn't have to give details about her blog; just say that she had some writings on the internet and someone is now attempting to blackmail her with them--and point out that what he is doing is illegal.

Best of luck to you, Kristen.

Blogger Speakin' My Mind said...

What a sad day -- as stated by late starter, all internet activity can be traced, go to the police and explain what has transpired. Anon has threatened you, your children AND been to your house! Let them know you a worried. AAG mentions to inform school and work also. If there is a list at the school of who can pick up the kids, update it and let the school know to be on the look out for people that are new or aren't usually hanging around to pick up the kids. Inform work of the same...they shouldn't let people in to see you unless you approve.

Best of luck Kristen.

Blogger Speakin' My Mind said...

FYI - if the letter was mailed, through the FEDERAL Postal system...Federal Offense, not State!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

SMM..I am well aware of that, and pointed it out to Kristen as well. However, before the Feds will get involved the local police will want to determine if the crime falls within the specifications outlined in the statute. That is why I provided the KRS definition. Additonally, the local police here will not act on a matter such as this unless there is a direct threat of physical harm...and since it is only one letter (to date) the Feds would not be interested either.

Blogger KJ said...

Thanks guys........yes it was sent through the mail to my home address. No, I'm not listed in the phone either so it's not public knowledge. Very scared

Blogger Thomcat said...

Anon, what an ugly, ugly thing to do...

KJ, my thoughts are with you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

KJ, start with your ex...

Blogger Sarah663 said...

Although I just started reading KJ's World a few weeks ago, I have enjoyed her postings so much! I hate that this happened, but want her to keep her chin up! A fellow KY girl!

Blogger Otis said...

KJ, I read your blog each day, sometimes I commented, sometimes I didn't. I enjoyed the insight you and your fans had.

Keep your head up.

Good Luck,


Blogger flounder said...

It's someone that she works with, no doubt. It's probably a guy that has asked her out, got shot down, and has an axe to grind. And he is probably someone that she thinks is her friend. Rejected losers make great stalkers, and this person defintely qualifies as a stalker.

I am not an FBI profiler, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Blogger Leigh said...

Kristen I read your blog daily. You will be missed. Hang in there. You have a lot of people thinking of you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss.. Thanks for posting what I'm sure is all on our minds at this time.. I had sent KJ an email last night when I couldn't get her blog to come up.. she wrote me this morning some but not all.. Not only is harrasment against the law, but so is stalking, and blackmail. To me it seems as though Anon is jealous of such a lovely person who, as you said, found an outlet to discuss in an open forum, the things that she and EVERYONE else deals with on a daily basis. I thought we were done with bullies in Jr/High school. Big Hug to you Kristen.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristen also called me last night and told me about this. The fact that this person has her address and it isn't listed leads me to believe that it's someone that has been to her house. If not, then they have done alot to figure out her address which means you can include stalking. This person also said that they where going to get her fired for blogging at work. How did they know she was doing it at work if they weren't in blog land themselves? Not only that, but you can change the date and time stamp. Anyone ever notice that on hers, it would state she would first post at 3 am. Kristen, up at 3am? Only if she's been up all night. Then this person said she was hurting her sons and family by what she was doing and they were going to send copies of it to the boy's school and her family's addresses (once again, stalking!). Did they not realize that they would be the ones doing they hurting by passing it out? That saying, everytime you point a finger at someone, there are 3 pointing back at you (how many of you just looked at your hand and tried it, lol).

Kristen- we love you girl!!!

Blogger KJ said...

Guys, it's not the ex.......A. he doesn't have access to a computer, B. He doesn't know how to work a computer C. This person printed the envelope from a computer something he would have no clue how to manage.....

I appreciate your thoughts and support....it's very nice to be able to surf through blog land and find friends.......I'm here.

Blogger Stephanie said...

This is just unbelievable & so scary!

Kristen, I'm sorry that this has happened to you. Anon is an evil, small and bitter person. And, to hide their identity just proves it.

Miss - girl, you speak your mind so well!! Well done. You are a good friend.


Blogger KJ said...

She's a wonderful friend

Blogger Thomcat said...

i'd blame it on professor plum with a candle stick, in the library ...

Blogger Unknown said...

KJ, all my support, love and prayers babe. hope you take action against his low-life. it's not like we live in fucking Russia. (this isn't Russia, is it?) hell, no, it's not. last time i checked it was still the land of the free. so fuck anon. we got your back babe.

Blogger Unknown said...

his=this. duh.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Thanks guys and gals for the outpouring of love and support you ALL showed KJ here. This is why we all blog in the first place...to have an open forum where people can come together to exchange ideas, experiences, and commiserate when things are rough. I know that I am blessed because I have each and every one of you guys out there supporting me, and encouraging me...that means a great deal; and it's not something I expected to find when I first started blogging. Thanks to all of you for the kind words etc. you shared with Kristen. She IS very special, and I know that having all of you out there has been a real morale booster for her.

Bless our crazy little world, I'd be lost without it!

*kisses to all!

Blogger sassinak said...

you know it's funny. kristen and i are pretty peripheral to each other's circles, i've read her blog a few times and would have continued to do drivebys... but this story is just so fucked up.

i mean it's a blog for god's sakes, why do people get so het up about it? i mean stalking and all that shit?

i remember way back when i was warned to be neurotic about my personal information online and it's never become bad advice. when i see people blogging under their real names i'm always a bit afraid. hell i wonder if i should even post my picture.

man why do there have to be assholes?

also kj? call the police. even if it's just to start the paper history

Blogger Hoochie Mama said...

Thanks for filling us in Miss... I'm gonna miss you Kristen! I really enjoy reading your blog, but you have to do what you have to do. I once had another blog and had to do the same thing. You will never see my face on my new blog for the same reason. Good luck and keep in touch!

Blogger KJ said...

I'm back.........

Blogger Everything Nice said...

K, now does anybody know what happened to Magnums blog?

Blogger Everything Nice said...

And I'll ask daily... what happened to the big guns?

Somebody clue me in here, pls.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one kinda took me by surprise as I came here FROM KJ's world!

But still, that is some fucked up shit, and I am understanding why some blogs won't allow the anonymous comments. I don't like it, but hey, I'm not in charge.

I just don't understand all the animosity. Can anybody clue me in?

It would be a shame to lose KJ's world, I love her blog!!!



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