

Mondays Suck! No exceptions, no deviating from the rule...they just SUCK! I am really tired this morning because of the weather last night. I had the neighbors (and their adorable daughter) camped out in the living room with me, so that we could make a run for the basement if things turned really nasty! I brought in the pooch, gave him a much needed bath, watched SAW II for the eleven millionth time...and STILL couldn't sleep! Maybe it's because the roomie isn't here (Bitch is on a cruise, headed to Grand Cayman as I write this~ then on to Cozumel, Belize, and Costa Maya. And YES, I am jealous~ what's your point?!) so the house is very empty and quiet. At any rate I had a productive weekend.
On Saturday I informed my son that I was headed to Lexington with the Roomie to get a dress for Keeneland. He had the option of hanging out here at home or going with. TWO hours, a screaming match, and some begging and he agreed to go with us. We all loaded up into the Coach's truck and headed to the Mecca of Lexington shopping...Fayette Mall. Now, anyone who knows me knows I HATE shopping, and I hate shopping at the mall even more! All the stores seem to carry the same things over and over and over again~ just with different labels sewn in or varying color combos. After popping into/out of several of the finest retail establishments the Mall offers I was becoming discouraged because NOTHING I saw 'called out' to me! Finally I wandered into Macy's...grudgingly got on the escalator and headed to the dress department. After 10 minutes of looking the Coach comes over with this dress...THE DRESS! It was exactly what I had been looking for~ so I was stoked to see if it was gonna look as good on as it did on the hanger. I chose a few other selections and went to the cavernous dressing room to see what was going to work. The first three, while cute just didn't have the 'WOW' factor I was seeking. The last dress, 'THE DRESS' was a different story. I put it on, tied it up, and opened the door to show Coach and get her opinion. As I did a little pirouette the dressing room came to a total standstill.
Now, if that has never happened to you let me explain how odd it is to realize all conversation has stopped and 10+ strangers are staring at you, while you are wearing something you are considering venturing out to Keeneland in...WEIRD! I was ready to dart back into the dressing room and change when I started listening. It seems that ALL of these strangers, and their respective children, thought that this dress was PERFECT. Little did I know they had been paying attention every time I came out in a new outfit. So, since the decision was unanimous and I happened to love the dress it was paid for, bagged up, and we were on the way! After a quick call to my son~ who in his normal sarcastic way expressed his disbelief that ANY women could be done so quickly~ we agreed to pick him up at the exit to Dick's Sporting Goods and head to Target to see what they had to offer. Voila...the shoes, the necessary underthings, some more clothes for Coach to take on her cruise, and one basketball later we were headed home. Time spent from departure to arrival...3 hours! Yup...I accomplished my objective and did it in exactly 3 hours. An entire hour of which was driving, with another 30 minutes or so spent noshing in the snack bar at Target! Keep in mind here folks, it took 2 hours just to get my monster to go with...I could have left him here, gone shopping, and been back almost as fast!
Sunday morning. I am awakened at a brutal 5am to get Coach loaded up and ready to fly to Tampa. Now, did the flight leave from Lexington? Nooooo...it left from Louisville! That means a 45 minute drive as opposed to a 25 minute one! Considering Coach and I had both slept less than 2.5 hours the drive should have sucked ass. However, the fact that I was giddy and Coach was beyond excited made it go by fairly smooth. We pulled up to the curb outside her departure gate, unloaded the mammoth suitcase and garment bag and I headed back home. I fell back into a coma around 9am (seems the 20oz of coffee I had en-route to the airport was not the best idea after all!) only to be awakened at 11:30 by the offspring and his buddy. They headed off to the local YMCA for some swimming and basketball while I did laundry, unpacked more stuff, and read. (BTW, "The Murder Book" by Jonathan Kellerman is great!) After my ex-hubby picked up my son I had a couple of hours to waste before church at 6. I bagged a quick shower, took a longish nap, and walked out into a storm...Damn KY weather, Spring is always nasty~ which makes me grumpy. All in all the evening was rather low-key, which I needed.
So, that was my weekend...not terribly exciting I know, but this weekend will more than make up for that! 4 days to Keeneland people, and 9 days until I turn 30!

Happy Sucky Monday!


Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Madame, they do indeed!

carla, Miss You! Are A, S and C still going to go to Keeneland as well? Just wondering if I should listen for S.! (lol)


Blogger da buttah said...

wooo 9 days 'til the b-day! gonna have a big party?!

i hate daylight savings. it's made me into a zombie. bleh

Blogger Everything Nice said...

I hate Mondays.

No really, I do.

But I'm happy you found a dress that's right for you... please take a picture and post it so we can ooooh and ahhhh.

I'm on the countdown with ya Miss. :)

Blogger Stephanie said...

Very cool about the dress!! We've (the girls & I guess scumbag from that profile pic he has) have experienced the nightmare that is dress shopping. I second Emma's request for a pic.

And, btw - 30 is nothing. But, in my mind I'm still 18 so.....

Blogger The Village Idiot said...

enjoy the memory of the dress and not the monday!. Glad you didnt get sucked into the sky and it was only lost sleep!

Happy sucky monday!

Blogger KJ said...

It takes me months and careful planning to find the perfect outfit. Just saying


Blogger RobynB said...

Nothing like finding THE perfect thing to wear!

I'm sure you'll look stunning.

Can't wait to see the pics.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

So here's the problem guys and gals...theblasted roomie took the camera on the cruise with her! (Never mind it happens to be hers, there is BIG stuff happening here~ sheesh!) That means pics will have to wait until Kristen, Goose, my Sis or some other Keenland Krazy develops them and lets me post a few! I did take one of the dress and the shoes...but I am NOT posting it until AFTER April 7!

(Bad, Bad 'Gris Gris' to show an outfit before wearing it out!)

As far as the 'Big 3-0'...I am not actually gonna SAY 30...from now on I will just have annual 29th birthday parties! That should solve the problem of getting older...riiiight?!

Blogger lime said...

i'm with you, i ahte to shop especially for clothes
if all those ppl were raving i looked good youcan bet i'd have plunked downthe cash too.

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Right you are Stripper Guy...did I mention that my # just happens to be unlisted?

I didn't?! Well, it is but I bet you could get it out of me if you REALLY wanted to! *wink, wink*

Murph...Pardon me for thinking you were having an 'enlightened' day earlier...when I say "developed I should say "transferred to disc." At least we HAVE famous places in KY (like Keeneland and Churchill Downs)...WTF is so special about Ohio?! Damn Yankees...Y'all think you're soooo special!




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