
So Happy Together!

Hey all! I am trying really hard to get back into this whole blogging thing, so I hope you guys will bear with me. This is a recent pic of moi and my fantastic boyfriend. Things here in KY have been interesting as of late, and I miss sharing with all of my blog friends!
As of this past Thursday I am no longer employed. The Dragon is still a wonderful bar, but there was far too much drama in my workplace, and I finally had to get out of there! I visit frequently...and for those of you in the area who need some place to go, or something to do I strongly recommed that you head on down-especially on Wednesdays when you can check out some of Frankfort's talented musicians at Open Mic! Be sure to tip your servers AND bartenders well...it's hot on that deck and they work their asses off! (lol)
In other news, The Brick Alley (my former employer and home away from home) will be re-opening this Friday, the 29th of June. PLEASE, stop in and say "Hi" and "Welcome Back" to some of Frankfort's very best. Make sure you all let A.J., Eric, Lil Bill, Troy et. al. know how appreciative you are for their hard work by spending ridiculous amounts of money! They have worked extremely hard to get the bar up and running again after the arson, and support from the locals is not only appreciated-it's necessary if they are to survive!
On a personal note.... The ex returned to Frankfort to get his things on Saturday, and thankfully I did not have to see him. That whole relationship is well, and truly, over and I feel so free as a result. Having someone leave you a "Dear John" letter right before your birthday really lets you know what kind of a person they are-don't you think? In fact, the only thing I miss about B. is his daughter...she is amazingly sane and special considering her origins. If you happen across this one day C. I want you to know how great I think you are, and how wonderful it was to have had you in my life. Feel free to contact me at any time! Anyway, I am better off now than I have been in a long time. I have Shaun, whom I not only adore-but respect and admire as well. He is wonderfully talented (lead guitar), and he makes me laugh like crazy! We spend as much time on the water as we can, and we both enjoy many of the same things. He is quickly becoming my best friend-and I am very close to falling in love with him.
Having said all of that I now have to get going. There is much to do today, and I never have enough time to accomplish it all.
Love to each of you....and get in touch!


Blogger TequilaGuy said...

Oh happy day ... missed you Miss!

Blogger RobynB said...

I'm glad to see you back and thrilled to hear you're doing well!

Blogger Miss Innocent said...

Much love to the both of you as well!

It's nice to be back...even if it is sporadic!


Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

I've missed you lots and lots... I'm so glad to hear you're doing well!!

(formerly known as Sullen Girl) ;)

Blogger BirdMadGirl said...

Mmkay... so you've disappeared again...

Hope to hear from you soon!!!!


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