I love my son. I love his evil little laugh, the way he CANNOT look me in the eye and lie without 'twinkling' and giving himself away, the way he can single handedly destroy a clean house in a matter of hours. I love the kid! I do not however, love Spring Break!
An entire week off of school is heaven for him...and I get that because we ALL felt the same way when we were in school. I do not remember saying every tenth of a second, "I am Booored!" In fact, I had a ton of stuff to keep me busy during my vacation from Hell. Growing up in the country sucked at times, this is true; but there was no better place to be when Spring Break rolled around. I could spend all day climbing trees, building forts, riding ATVs, and fighting with my sister. (Remember the GIANT hole we knocked in the wall?! I still can't believe we managed to get that patched up and painted before Mom got home~ and she never even noticed! lol). Hell, I spent one Spring break helping to rebuild the engine on a classic '67 Ford Mustang...How's that for entertainment?!
My son is a different story. He is of the generation that MUST be entertained every single second, and is not adverse to whining, bitching, and moaning if that is not happening. Now, since I am stuck here in the office all day that means he has to roam around downtown looking for stuff to do. Never mind the boy has every game system known to man, a slew of friends within shouting distance of the office, a basketball court/playground at his disposal...NO, he's booored! Sheesh, what's a Mom to do? Heaven forbid I suggest anything to occupy him...that just results in eye rolling, and "the tone." (For those non-parents...I despise 'the tone' it makes me want to run screaming into the street! It's this annoying whine that just DRIPS with sarcasm...makes my ears want to bleed everytime he uses it.) Naturally, I have never been a kid, cannot possibly understand what he is going thru, and am so very 'un-cool' for not forking over large amounts of cash so he can blow it all on gum and soda. (Can someone explain to me why I wanted a son again??? I am starting to think a girl may have been a bit easier at this age.)
The biggest kicker to all this is that he is EXACTLY like me; which makes it difficult to stay mad at him for long. In fact I have a perverse pride in the way he is...because I know he'll be able to take care of himself one day!
So, there it is...Spring Break is here, and I am not enjoying it! I hope the rest of you manage to have some fun...Me, I am off to hunt down the offspring so he can go with me while I run errands~ a fact I am sure will thrill him to no end! (Yeah riiiight!)