
The Perfect Medicine

God Bless Boxing! That's right, I said it...And I mean it! I finally managed to get caught up on a fight I missed February 25, because I was busy doing other things that day. Those of you who follow the sport know which fight I am talking about. For those of you who don't-- "Sugar Shane" Mosley and Fernando Vargas. These guys have to be two of my favorite contenders in the 154LB. Division, and watching them battle it out was just what I needed to chill out!

(Ok, not a fan of boxing? Tough shit! This is the sport that brought me back to Blogland so you'll have to deal. I love, love, LOVE boxing...and my incredible roomie Coacharob is now "forced" to take part in this obsession of mine as well. So, if she can suffer quietly so can the rest of you.)

Promo Photo before the big fight.

Sugar Shane is on the left, Vargas is on the right.

This was Sugar Shane's last fight in this weight class, and Vargas seemed a shoe-in for victory. However, in classic Vargas style he had trouble connecting with speed AND power, and Sugar wore him down midway through the 5th round. While I like Vargas I often find myself irritated by the way he "telegraphs" his next move, and by the fact he is horrible at defending his left side. Sugar made excellent use of these two factors to bring home the win. Vargas however, went home with a badly swollen left eye, and a not-so- pretty right one. The Official finally called the fight in the 10th round because Vargas was having trouble seeing and was not able to maintain his balance or defend himself vigorously. That means Sugar won by TKO (that is a Technical Knock Out for those who may not know)-- a great way to end his career in this weight class.
By no means was this pretty fight, not in the technical sense of the word anyway, but it always thrilling to watch when two men with such differences in their styles go toe-to-toe. In fact it was sooo thrilling I had to blog about it, and now you are being graced with my presence once more.
So, God bless boxing --it is the perfect medicine for me when I am in a funk, and bless the fighters who inspire me...may they stay in the ring long enough to help me blog another day! And to Vargas...speed, accuracy, protect that left side already, and while you're at it make use of that reach you've got-- sheesh!!!

Image hosting by PhotobucketI am planning to return on Monday...Provided life stays on an even keel of course! Thanks to the many of you who have sent me kind thoughts via email and IM as well as in my comments...I am a better person for knowing each one of you and having you guys (and gals) in my life makes almost anything bearable! Enjoy your weekend and look for me March 6!


Something to Ponder In My Absence

Image hosting by PhotobucketWTF?!! Can you say, "Things that make you go hmmm....?"



Image hosting by Photobucket  And that includes YOU!


Image hosting by PhotobucketIn light of how crazy my life has gotten lately I feel the need to vanish for a bit. I have too much on my mind and swirling around in my heart to do the blog thing right now. I will be around all of your sites and will miss you.  I will return when I have myself back again. If you miss me that badly feel free to email me anytime or hit me on IM (calescoolmom...Yahoo). Kisses to you all, and take care!

Image hosting by Photobucket Happy Hump Day Y'All! I have created a VERY short "quiz" to give you something to do with your brains today. Please think about your answers before commenting, ok?

1.The last time I ate a hot dog I....... (Threw up! I HATE hot dogs)

2. My favorite author, right now, is...... (Jonathan Kellerman)

3. I think the world's worst evil-doers are....... (Child Molesters and Animal abusers)

4. My guiltiest pleasure is......

(Any form of GREAT sex, although I am not usually guilty about it!)

5. If I could travel anywhere I'd go........ (Seychelle Islands! Calm, quiet, and soooo beautiful)

6. This really makes me mad........

(People who talk shit about me but don't really know me at all!)

7. People don't know this about me but....... (I am a sappy romantic at heart)

Have fun playing with me and have a magnificent Wednesday!!!!

Early Morning After Mardi Gras...

Goose did in fact appear at the exhibit, although not one of you other fuckers did! You guys missed some great photography and I wish you all could have made it! Nothing much going on there, the band was...interesting? Anyway Goose had to make "curfew" so I came back here and caught up on TiVO and American Idol, cooked dinner for myself and the miserably sick Coacharob, and got online for a bit.

Ahhh, I love dirrrty IM chats! They make me perk up, get the proverbial juices flowing, and let me retreat to fantasy land for awhile. To Mr. IM last night...You know I know who you are, and I am not telling! (These women around here...they will try and steal you, and I am greedy you know so I am going to keep you for myself for a bit!) Anyway, this hottie got me all worked up! Judging by the way I reacted physically I think I am overdue for a good, deep, hard pounding! And I want one sooo bad...Now, where to look?! Volunteers? (I happen to love a guy who will step up and help a woman in distress!!)
So, into a hot bubble bath for me, then sleep! Talk to you all later today, I think I may be late for work...hehe!


Random shit from inside my head time! I have been so completely distracted and unable to work today--I don't think the meds are working properly! Anyway I thought I would take a couple of minutes and throw out some "secrets" and other junk to entertain you all.

I love to watch "The Bachelor."
I don't really like to dance.
I enjoy reading People Magazine
Most days I wish I could hide and stay in bed watching crappy TV.
I cannot stand stupid people, but I pretend to!
I have a mean streak, a REALLY mean streak!
I miss being "IN" love.
I miss my son anytime he isn't with me, and I cry about it.
I am not as strong as I think I am.
I am afraid of cotton balls.
I used to do drugs...a LOT of drugs!
I don't miss my Lexington friends as much as I should.
I am lonely.
I hate my job, but stick around anyway because I am afraid to look for a job I'll love and get "shot down."

Random Shit:
I want a dog! And I miss my cats sooo bad!
Why do my houseplants always die?!
If I didn't need it...I would let the EX keep all my shit to avoid seeing him.
I am soooo broke!
My nails look awful, I wish they would grow off already! (I am not going to soak them off!!!)
I need to eat lunch, but I need to lose weight more!
I think I am going to stay in Frankfort for awhile.
Goose is funny!
I wish I had more close friends in Frankfort.


I will be looking for YOU (and you, and you...)

Mardi Gras in Frankfort is always fun, but now it is also an opportunity to give generously to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Local photographer, and personal friend, Jason Geis will be exhibiting some of his work at the Capital Plaza Hotel Tuesday, February 28. Admission to the show is $5 with ALL proceeds going to Gulf Coast Hurricane Relief Efforts. Jason is an extremely talented photographer, and his work is always powerful and evocative. He just returned from a trip to the Gulf Coast area and the photography he will be displaying is from that trip. I encourage ALL of you to go and see the exhibit, and to donate your money to this worthy cause. Many of Katrina's victims are still waiting for relief and have been "forgotten" in the absence of the media spotlight; Help me make sure they know Frankfort has not forgotten them as well. The Gulf Coast photo exhibit will run from 5:30 until 10pm. There will also be live music by The Groove.

[Stop and think...2 more beers or a chance to help make someone else's life a little better? I will be there, and I sincerely hope those of you who live in or around the Frankfort area will be as well.]

Laisse les bons temps rouler!

Have a happy and SAFE Fat Tuesday!